
At times like these the smallest things such as a humble foil wrapped chocolate egg (or even loo roll) become seriously exciting!

Even though our trips to the shops are focused on the necessities of life, seeing Easter eggs and decorations gives us all a much needed glimpse of normality.

So I have compiled a little inspiration for your Easter celebrations this year, be they big or small.

Even just taking the time to set the table with beautiful floral napery, using your best plates, baking an indulgent cake, having some pretty flowers ( delivered or foraged locally on your daily walk) and placing an obligatory chocolate egg at each place setting will surely lift your household’s spirits.

Don’t forget the Easter Egg hunt, even if you don’t have access to a garden, children young and old just enjoy the act itself … step it up a little and create a hunt with a list of riddle clues to solve. Which in turn may leave you more time to relax with your well deserved cup of tea, buttered hot cross bun and a good book in peace!

Click on each image to shop.. all the items featured are still still available for delivery in time for Easter!


Behind the scenes - the making of our Liberty Tana Cotton lawn


Flowers ....